CE-USDT LP Staking
To incentivize liquidity providers for the CE-USDT pool on UniswapV2, a predetermined amount of CE will be rewarded to users that stake their CE-USDT LP token on the platform's Staking module.
Users can deposit and withdraw their LP tokens, and claim pending CE rewards through the platform's Staking module at any time. To mitigate risk, there is a 48 hour time-lock for awareness on privileged operations.
Rewards are continuously compounded using block timestamps. Reward amounts are based on the Staking contract's, internally computed CE share of a user's deposited LP tokens, represented by the xCE peg token. The formula for computing CE share from an LP amount is:
More details on these processes can be found in CE Smart Contracts.
Peg Token
All deposits and withdrawals to the stacking module will result in proportional transfers of xCE between users and the Staking contract. xCE is a peg token that represents the computed CE share of a user's deposited LP tokens.
The total supply of LP tokens and CE / USDT reserve amounts will fluctuate according to market conditions, as will the amounts of CE and USDT in a user's LP position. However, the xCE peg token will continue to hold a fixed value within the Staking contract that represents the initially computed CE share at the time of a user's LP deposit.
Each time a user deposits LP tokens, they will receive xCE from the Staking contract according to the LP token supply and CE / USDT reserve amounts at that moment in time, through the secure integration of UniswapV2 contracts within the Staking contract. Each time a user withdraws LP tokens, xCE tokens will be transferred back to the staking contract at a rate proportional to the user's LP withdrawal amount.
Reward Structure
Users will automatically receive pending rewards when depositing or withdrawing LP tokens from the module. Staked LP tokens have a 48 hour cooldown period before they are withdrawable. The reward rate is reset each time a user deposits LP tokens to the Staking module. The reward rate is not reset if a user withdraws a portion of their staked LP tokens or claims pending CE rewards.
The reward structure in annual percentage yield is listed below. It illustrates an APY increase of 7% per month, capped at 12 months. For further clarity, users can estimate their potential CE rewards using the rewards estimator tool on the platform's Stacking module.
Month 1: 20%
Month 2: 21.4%
Month 3: 22.89%
Month 4: 24.5%
Month 5: 26.21%
Month 6: 28.05%
Month 7: 30.01%
Month 8: 32.11%
Month 9: 34.46%
Month 10: 36.76%
Month 11: 39.34%
Month 12 onwards: 42.09%
Last updated